Info on Joining

Anyone interested in joining Bandon A.C, please complete the form below and someone from the club will be in touch ONCE A PLACE IS AVAILABLE WITHIN THE AGE GROUP OF THE CHILD!
All new inquiries are reviewed regularly.
The club is NOT closed for members, we are just managing the intake of new members for some age groups to be fair to existing members and club officials.
Minimum age for joining the club is 7 years of age, athletes under 7 can however be placed on a waiting list so they can be in a position to join after their 7th birthday if space permits.


Thanking you for your interest in joining.

Child Protection Statement and Data Protection Statement are available here
Club Policy for joining is available here
Club Constitution is available here

One person per form please.
If the membership query is in relation to an individual under 18, we need the name of a parent/guardian.
If membership query is in relation to an individual under 18, this number needs to be that of parent or guardian
If membership query is in relation to an individual under 18, this address needs to be that of parent or guardian
== Please read == We are unable to accept members under the age of 7, so anyone under that age will be placed on a waiting list and we will contact you after they have reached 7 and we have availability. For some ages there is currently a waiting list. The name will be added to the waiting list and we will contact the given phone number when a place is available. For most age there is currently no waiting list, but we do have to plan for additional members. We expect to make contact within 2 weeks with details of when the athlete can commence training etc. For any queries please email, unless its in connection to an phone contact, them please reply via phone