As we’re heading into the start of the new track and field season, below is a listing of the age groups for AAI/club athletic competitions in 2018
AAI Age categories calculated from 31st December in the year of competition.
Age group u9 Born 2010
Age group u10 Born 2009
Age group u11 Born 2008
Age group u12 Born 2007
Age group u13 Born 2006
Age group u14 Born 2005
Age group u15 Born 2004
Age group u16 Born 2003
Age group u17 Born 2002
Age group u18 Born 2001
Age group u19 Born 2000
Junior is u20, but you can also compete in this age group if you are u17, u18 or u19.
So in 2018 to compete in Junior age group for clubs competitions you need to be born 1999 or 2000 or 2001, or 2002
Senior Athletes must be 16 years or over on 31 December in the year of Competition, so u17 or older with no upper limit. Only restriction is that for men’s shot, discus, hammer and weight for distance, you have to be 18 or over on the day of the competition.
Under 23 in 2018 is athletes born in 1996 or 1997 or 1998
Masters is over35 on the day of competition and you move up an age band on the birthday.
For schools competitions the age groups are different.
School Age Limits:
Minor – Under 14 on 1st July 2018
Junior – Under 15 on 1st July 2018
Inter – Under 17 on 1st July 2018
Senior – Under 19 on 1st January 2018
Tailteann/Schools International – Under 17 on 1st Sept 2018
Athletes are selected for Munster team to compete in Tailteann (typically 2 athletes per track events run in lanes, 3 all other events) based on performances in Munster and All-Ireland Schools competitions. Junior athletes can be selected for Tailteann.
Athletes are selected for Schools International team (2 per event) based on performances in Tailteann and All-Ireland Schools